Status of current developments and challenges in active and intelligent packaging Actinpak Event


April 4–5, 2016

Dates: 4th and 5th of April 2016
Place: Munich, Germany
Contact person: Selçuk Yildirim

Our Spring 2016 WGs meeting will take place on 4th and 5th of April 2016 in Munich, Germany. It will be organised jointly with PTS’ Innovative Packaging Symposium. These two days will be for the Working Groups to meet each other, both plenary (including guest speakers) and WG specific sessions. The plenary session on Tuesday afternoon will be open for industrial attendees to maximise the joint organisation.


Time Event
Monday 4th of April
13:30 - 14:00 Registration and welcome coffee/tea
14:00 - 14:10 Welcome at PTS – Ralf Gericke
14:10 - 14:30 Feedback since Aveiro and to do list for 2016 – Sanne Tiekstra, Action Chair
14:30 - 15:30 Working Group specific introduction and goals – Working Group Leaders: Selcuk Yildirim (WG1), Johanna Lahti (WG2), Greg Ganczewski (WG3), David Ravnjak (WG4)
15:30 - 16:30 Parallel Working Group meetings
16:30 - 17:00 Coffee break
17:00 - 18:30 Parallel Working Group meetings
19:30 Joint dinner at Restaurant Hofer, Burgstrasse 5, Munich
Tuesday 5th of April
9:00 - 10:00 Plenary feedback on Working Group sessions 4th of April
10:00 - 11:00 Scientific/Technological presentations from ActInPak members:

  • Nuria Herranz Solana, ITENE - Latest developments in active and intelligent packaging solutions
  • Marco Giacinti Baschetti, University of Bologna – Analysis and modelling of active barrier materials containing oxygen scavengers
  • Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen, Nofima – Active packaging by the use of CO2 emitter – Adjustment and optimization related to product and packaging concepts – and the effect on shelf life of chicken filets
  • R.P. Dumitriu, I. Stoica, G. Cazacu, C.Vasile, Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry – Development of new active coatings based on biopolymers from renewable sources
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 - 13:00 Scientific/Technological presentations from ActInPak members:

  • Tim Mortensen, Swansea University – Flexipower: Radio frequency energy harvesting with low cost printed electronics
  • Maria Dulce Antunes, University of Algarve – The effect of alginate paper coating on the shelf-life of fresh-fruit
  • Zehra Ayhan, Sakarya University – Effects of active nano-packaging material and packaging technique on physical, chemical, microbial and sensory quality and shelf life of sliced pastrami
  • Tanja Radusin, University of Novi Sad – Preparation and characterization of PLA films loaded with Allium ursinum L. extract
  • A. Irimia, G.E. Ioanid, F. Doroftei, C. Vasile, Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry – Cold plasma assisted modification of the cellulose/chitin fibres for their use as fillers in biocomposites and for food packaging application
  • Tim Claypole, Welsh Centre for Printing and Coating – Potential applications for plasma functionalized GNPs for active packaging
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 -15:30 Expert speakers:

  • Market: Simo Siitonen, Stora Enso
  • Food safety and food contact legislation: Sara Limbo, University of Milan
  • Challenges in implementation: Steve Brabbs, DuPont
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 - 16:15 COST Action introduction by Chair
16:15 - 17:30 Round table session “The COST Action answers to industry”
17:30 End of the program, individual follow up is possible outside PTS
Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th of April
PTS Innovative Packaging Symposium with presentations from ActInPak partners throughout the program.

Scroll right to se all data

Presentations from this event are available at subpage Presentations from COST events.

Take HOME Messages


  • Society and even packaging industry is still not enough informed about beneficial aspect of A&I packaging. Most of them don’t know what it is and what for it is.
  • A&I packaging are beneficial for consumer but not only for them, it is beneficial in whole value chain.
  • There is the primary shelf life but also the secondary shelf life should be considered and could be very useful for consumer.
  • A&I packaging limits over-pack and save high value material: the food
  • Packaging can be fun (functional inks, lighting, augmented reality).


  • 47 companies are involved but still not enough during meetings: how to improve?
  • Barrier is key for fibre based systems to compete plastic in active packaging!
  • How can we convince consumer about cost increase?
  • A&I packaging are sometimes used but not identified.
  • We should not be so strict with definitions. As soon as value added is provided to packaging, it could be considered as an intelligent packaging
  • The data that companies can collect via smartphone app will allow paying more for packaging.


  • ACTINPAK is a multidisciplinary actions: food scientist, chemist, paper processing, plastic processing, packaging, printing => we should remind basics before any discussions.
  • Technology description should be precise when we discussed together.
  • We need to collaborate more between food scientist and materials scientist.