About COST Action FP1405

Active and intelligent fibre-based packaging - innovation and market introduction (ActInPak)

The main objective of the Action is to develop a knowledge-based network on sustainable, active and intelligent fibre-based packaging in order to overcome current technological, industrial, and social limitations that hinder the wide deployment of existing and newly developed solutions in market applications.

Research and development of new fibre-based packaging materials with active and intelligent features have shown huge potential to optimise the supply chain, and increase the shelf-life of foodstuff and enhance consumer consciousness of food utilisation. Very few of the potential solutions have, however, been able to reach the market.

This Action aims to identify and focus on the key technical, social, economic and legislative factors relevant for a successful deployment of renewable fibre-based functional packaging solutions. This will be achieved by conducting research and development into active and intelligent packaging, encompassing both scientific and technical solutions, addressing the opportunities for, and obstacles to, market introduction. The innovative approach of this Action lies in the sharp focus on the integration of active and intelligent solutions in papermaking in order to create next-generation functional fibre-based packaging. The Action will achieve the objectives by providing an open multidisciplinary platform for the complete paper and board packaging value chain and aims at strong involvement of industrial partners throughout Europe. Sustainable fibre-based packaging materials with new and active functionalities may help to introduce new products on the market with higher value and profits for paper and board manufacturers than traditional products.

Currently, 43 countries are involved in the network, with participants representing 209 academic institutions, 35 technical centres, and 83 industrial partners. We are looking forward to new members.

Core group

Julien Bras (FR)


Science officer of the Action
Johanna Lahti
David Ravnjak
Tadeja Muck

Tadeja Muck (SL)

WG4 vice-leader
Marco Giacinti

Marco Giacinti (IT)

STSM coordinator
Diana Gregor Svetec

About COST

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a pan-European intergovernmental framework. Its mission is to enable break-through scientific and technological developments leading to new concepts and products and thereby contribute to strengthening Europe’s research and innovation capacities. It allows researchers, engineers and scholars to jointly develop their own ideas and take new initiatives across all fields of science and technology, while promoting multi- and interdisciplinary approaches. COST aims at fostering a better integration of less research intensive countries to the knowledge hubs of the European Research Area. The COST Association, an International not-for-profit Association under Belgian Law, integrates all management, governing and administrative functions necessary for the operation of the framework. The COST Association has currently 36 Member Countries. www.cost.eu

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Active and intelligent packaging